La Batalla de la Memòria





Directed by: Mario Pons Múria

Produced by: Mario Pons Produccions Audiovisuals & CCMA

Script: Mario Pons Múria

Executive Producer: Jordi Ambrós

Cinematography by: Anna Molins

Sound: David Paco, Gerard Tàrrega i Roger Orcau
Music: Quico el Célio, el noi i el mut de Ferreries
Sound editor: Joan Pons

Editor: Guillermo Cobo



This documentary offers a reading of one of the most important battles of the Spanish Civil War. Simultaneously, it provides a very local approach to a civil conflict with continental implications, making it a reflection on the universality of violence.


While we witness the joyful and festive context in which the wine of the land is pressed, we travel the path that separates us from a terrible past, listening to the testimonies of the heirs of those who faced one of the bloodiest fratricidal conflicts of the 20th century.


The testimonies and silences of the “victors” and the “losers” are counterbalanced by the scientific input of experts to highlight the scope of selective oblivion, which explains the difficulties of confronting unresolved conflicts from the past that are inherited from generation to generation without interruption


Visualizing the boundaries of human suffering and the unforeseen consequences of pain are the origins of the thesis of this film proposal. As its objective, “La Batalla de la Memòria” aims to allow us to look into each other’s eyes without resentment, seventy years after the end of the Spanish Civil War.




MEMORIMAGE – Festival Memorimage 2009 (Spain) 
Memorial Democràtic Award
Audience Award

Documentaries, Work carried out